






2019年7月20日 星期六

Wisdom, a blessing or a curse?

There are many ways to deal with problems that we see in life.

Some choose to encounter them like frontline fighters, 
Some choose to smartly dodging it to maintain peace.
Some choose to ignore them, pretending it had never existed and let it slip.

Problems will not go away
But you can have a different mindset on how to look at them.

For example,

When you are in a fight with your love ones?
What's more important to you...?

To win the argument? To let your partner acknowledge its their fault and make a change about it?
To resolved a disputed issue? How to resolve it?

Fighting helps you establish your grounds. But what's next?
Who to do the change? Who to make compromises?
50,50? or 80,20? 

There are also times where all these don't matter
'Sometimes its just, hey we didnt need to argue for this.'

Sometimes we get so carried away by our emotions at that moment
Nature of humans wanting to defend our stands and what we think is right
The urge of defending our thoughts can be so blinding
that it actually get you carried away and jeopardising what you already have,

perhaps a loving relatioship.

But there are also times where, these theories werent true.
"If the person loves you, they will do this and do that'

How did you interpret their love?
According to YOUR way? Your EX's way? Or THEIR way?

If love is ever easy
There will not be so many fights or divorces in the world.

Experts suggested that,
It is advisable to love someone the way they wanted
Not how you wanted, cuz otherwise it is just selfish

The person who knows more, understands better what is love
The one who had more wisdom, who see what others couldnt

Are bound to hug their sorrows with themselves..
If they met someone who couldnt share with it.

It is either to leave, or to stay.
Or find a new way

2019年7月1日 星期一

This is the endless time I cried alone.

He doesn't respond to my 'goodnight'

It is a simple word.

Can't you just respond back 'goodnight'?

But if i said it, 

I am sure it will caused another unnecessary fight

or maybe I am being excessive or overreacting.

It had always been me who's overreacting.

But i am not...

I am just, really sad.

But I can't be sad...

Nobody likes a sad person.

And nobody should find a sad person like me.

No one will find me.

Is that wrong for reassurance?

But I see none. It's the small things that matter.

They slowly pile up. And getting more and more.

My logical sense tells me I need to stop

But... I am too afraid. I am just a coward.

I am unhappy. Depressed. Unsatisfied.

Just hang on there a little more.

When I am back to happy Sammie, I will forget the pain and repeat everything again.

Piece of cake :D