






2012年4月28日 星期六

A historic event - 428 (Bersih 3.0 + Lynas)

10a.m. Left home.
We first gathered at Chinatown, had breakfast here.
Crowd start their protests here.
Banners were everywhere. The scenes are very spectacular. O_O

12p.m. Protest undergoing.
Followed the crowd all the way to the Dataran Square
Slogans and songs were in the air. 
Way to the Dataran Merdeka was blocked.
Met my discipline teacher on the way to Dataran Square :)

Protesters from Tsun Jin High School!! xD
Their banner's the most special ones, with those throll  faces..
They were cool man. x)

"Dataran siapa? Dataran Rakyat! Anak siapa? Anak Rakyat!
Kami rakyat! Mahu bantah! Abang polis! Buka pintu! 
Hidup rakyat! Hidup bersih! Polis polis! Buka Pagar!"
It was shouted by an Indian.
Also sang "Negaraku" and "Rasa Sayang" here.

2.45p.m. From Dataran Square.
Squeezed through the crowd there and to Masjid Jamek x)
Crowds, banners, balloons, flags, medias and cameras were everywhere. 
We followed the crowd and gathered under the LRT's railway,
sat down, and continued our slogans and songs.

Just looking at the crowd makes me feel sweaty and sticky now.
"We have the lousiest government money can buy" This is cool!! :D
The crowd. Still protesting.

3.10p.m. at Masjid Jamek.
Police start shooting tear bombs.
Start to retreat and we booed at them furiously,
and of course, 
I can hear a lot of  "!@#$%^" phrases at that moment xD
Tear bombs are first release at the front line.
I was actually left quite far away from the tear gases later,
and suddenly see citizens running mad.
Because tear gases are APPROACHING from the left intersection.!! O_O
They made the polices almost attacked from EVERY direction O_O

So I suffered from the gases. /_\
It was like applying chilies on your face, 
felt skin burning + crying + runny nose. 

Tear gases are released at the front line. Can hear the shooting sounds.
Terrifying. O_O

Citizens start to retreat . Tear gases still shooting at the front line.
Tear gases from another intersection.
Citizens run like the end of world.
And this is when I start to run too. O_O
My feelings.
I actually planned to stay at home and study,
But my parents decided to let me go
They want me to experience once in my lifetime. 
So I took part in it at last
Haha, and this have to thanks to my daddy
For taking me there and have been my body guard. :)

This is the first time for joining this kind of event in my life.
I've met a lot of people today, not only the Chinese 
but also people which are Different races. states. or countries.
I feel that I am the lucky one,
as I can meet a lot of people and learn. :)

Yea, and the moment we sang, I felt touched. 
This proves that "Racism does NOT exist between us."
The one who leaded us shouting slogans,
mostly the Malays and Indians.
We worked together to fight for our rights. 
Because we are all MALAYSIANs. Hehe :D

But I am actually disappointed too.
Because this event had ended with tear gases,water cannons.
And a lot of unhappy accidents... :(
I am lucky again that I am safe and there ain't anything happen
where I've been. But the other areas, I felt sorry for them... :(

For me, I think shouting slogans and singing songs are okay.
And it's good to see a side of the citizens were cooperated.
But I can't understand
Why are there fighting and even car accidents?
There must be something wrong.
I am not sure of tear gases is released 
because of citizens start to attack first,
Or it's they've been harsh to evacuate by that way.
All I only know is tear gases makes air polluted. :(

I think both,
the government and the citizens should really.
Think properly. wisely. and deeply.
There are mistakes and responsibilities in the both.
And they have to be clear of the purpose of protesting.
I don't think that both the government 
and citizens really understand it's propose.

So to the conclusions.
I really hope that...
the government can wake up.
Please use your brain to think what you have did.
We are not protest for fun you know.
We don't need to protest unless it's the last resort
for an unfair decision you made and when it's affecting us.
Plus I don't think the police are disagreed to what we want.
Because polices are ALSO citizens.
And NOT ALL the police are bad and violent actually. :/

I grew a lot from this event.
And it made me "open-eyed" to this society.
It really feels great,
to fight for your country's future & for the future generations.
But it does make me feel sad and shame,
that this event causes troubles at last.

If there is Bersih 4.0,
I hope it's not like this again.
And I will probably join it again 
Because ...
I really love Malaysia
And I want Malaysia have a bright future!


The end. :)

2012年4月14日 星期六


Today is a big day for me.
It's my first time to participate
In english public speaking competition!
I found it was totally a big difference from the stage experience that I had,
which is experience from chinese debating.

Waiting at auditorium :)

Participants entering.

Actually I start to feel nervous
when the teacher informed me that I am involved in this competition.
And because I need to improve it in a very short time,
my life totally change,
I start to watch English tv shows, read English newspapers,speak English at home!

Yea, and the results have came out,
Most of my friends complimented that
I had improved a lot in speaking.
And I did advanced to the 2nd preliminary round
which is the top 50 among 109 participants!
Failed to advance to the semi-finals,
But I am satisfied because I have did my best! :D

Impromtu speech is still a challenge to me
A great adversity I have to overcome.
Today is unlucky, the topic that I drew was
"Not quite right"
It really is not quite right, because it was only 3 minutes to prepare
a 3 MINUTES speech ! O_O
And I am really not familiar to this kind of topic.
So now what I need to do to improve,
is to read more and speak more.

Oh, and the semi-final session is WOW.
Cause the semi-finalists, really have the quality of it
They speak so well on the stage
and some of them even didn't hold their notes when they speak!
They present it like a prepared speech somehow O_O
Before this, I have already met someone
that I really admired his speaking skills and stage charisma
I honestly look upon him as god, as a role model for me to learn from
And today SERIOUSLY. Those semi-finalists are mother of gods.
I really adored them so much! Their charisma moved me.

Haha, no matter how,
today is a very great experience for me.
I really appreciate every opportunity I had,
to learn and to improve.

Now I am gonna put more effort
to improve more and join this competition again next year! :D

Maybe this have thanks to God
If I am still a prefect
maybe I won't have this chance to grow.
I appreciate everything I learnt from there,
and now I am using those what I learnt
in my life :)

Thanks to God.
Thanks to one who supports me and encourages me
Thanks to you ❤

You are my motive.
I want to be a star in your eyes.

I will make you proud of me someday
Photo taken with JiaWoei + Mr.Jeffrey after competition :)